§Latest Version: v9.6.0
Release date: 2025-01-03
§Version 9.6.0
- Added Change Status For Manual Payment.
- Added Some Text For Language.
- Fixed Users Permissions (Send Media).
- Fixed Midtrans Gateway (Production Mode).
- Fixed Send Message After Delete Device.
- Fixed Permissions (cwebp) for news install.
§Version 9.5.2
- Added Spanish Language.
- Updated Libraries To Latest Version.
- Fixed Running (npm install) Command.
- Fixed Some Texts.
- Fixed Plans If Deleted All.
- Fixed Campaign.
- Fixed Whatsapp Server Link After Install.
§Version 9.5.1
- Fixed Tickets (Encrypted symbols).
- Fixed Send Message list.
- Fixed Cronjob if your hosting disabled (open_basedir) function.
- Fixed Delete Devices & Reonnection.
- Fixed Tickets if user deleted.
- Fixed Send Message list api-docs.
§Version 9.5.0
- Added Counter for the number of opened tickets in the header.
- Added OneClick to login as any user from admin panel.
- Added Message List Advanced.
- Added System instructions for AI (to train it on its name and functionality).
- Added chat session for Gemini (Each message complements the previous).
- Added Popup notification in users panel (push from admin panel).
- Added Duitku Gateway (Indonesia).
- Added Tripay Gateway (Indonesia).
- Added xendit Gateway (Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia).
- Added Paystack Gateway (South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria).
- Added Flutterwave Gateway (International).
- Added NOWpayments Gateway (Coins Gateways).
- Added Bank transfer (Manual not auto).
- Added Ability to send an image to GPT & Gemini for analysis (Model GPT 4o and above must be used).
- Added Docs how to Install/Use/FAQ/License/Changelog Multilanguage (Click Here).
- Added Change Timezone.
- Fixed Edit Users.
- Fixed Users Tickets.
- Fixed Campaign (Message limit does not decrease).
- Fixed Redirect Checkout if failed.
- Fixed Eres & Erescompact user theme.
- Fixed Show only enabled payment gateways (Checkout Page).
§Version 9.0.2
- Added Language Spanish for HomePage.
- Fixed Send Sticker.
- Fixed Compatible libraries.
§Version 9.0.1
- Fixed blast & Send Messages, Media .. etc.
§Version 9.0.0
- Added Landing page (Homepage).
- Added Plans System.
- Added Manage Payment gateways.
- Added Manage Languages system.
- Added (Homepage) edit page.
- Added Ticket System.
- Added Cronjob Page & Get automatic curl path.
- Added Multi-Keyword in autoreply.
- Added Send message with footer.
- Added Send message with footer in API & api-docs.
- Added Spintext.
- Added Enable/disable landing (welcome) page.
- Added Orders Page.
- Added Trial Accounts.
- Added User Management.
- Added Stripe Gateway.
- Added Paypal Gateway.
- Added Midtrans Gateway {indonesian gateway Virtual Banks, QRIS, Alfamart, Indomart, OVO ..etc]}.
- Added Paymob Gateway (Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan gateway).
- Fixed Modal disappearing when clicking on slider.
- Fixed Create campaign view.
- Fixed Connect method for shared hosting.
- Fixed Force using ipv4.
- Fixed Create & import phonebook.
- Fixed Api-docs urls.
- Fixed Api Logout & Generate QR.
- Removed Unused librares.
- Removed pairing code and will be returned in another version until the problems are resolved.
- Chenged Sticker librares.
- Re-order Installtion page.
- Translate all new strings in version 9.0.0
§Version 8.5.1
- Fixed sharp library.
- Fixed autoreply ajax.
- Fixed campaign (Theme Snacked Admin).
§Version 8.5.0
- Added send sticker feature.
- Added wysiwyg whatsapp (text editing tools).
- Added location, vcard, sticker in campagin.
- Added location, vcard, sticker in autorply and autorply-edit.
- Added view once message feature for (images & videos).
- Added API for send sticker and api-docs.
- Fixed socket idle (No need anymore cronjob).
- Fixed export contacts to xlsx file.
- Fixed AI bot name.
- Re-Design Test message, Create campagin and Autoreply.
§Version 8.0.5
- Added check number if whatsapp number or not.
- Fixed phonebook.
- Fixed AI Multibot.
- Fixed message list.
§Version 8.0.0
- Added a new design (Eres Compact).
- Added option to automatically delete message history after x days (User->Settings) under generate api.
- Added option to set your number available or unavailable.
- Fixed socket idle and reconnect socket if failure.
- Fixed JavaScript language problem.
- Fixed phonebook.
- Fixed issue of not saving the user's night mode.
- Fixed create campaign.
- Fixed .htaccess file for directadmin panel and other.
- Re-Coded messaging system to be compatible with the latest versions of the libraries.
- Removed hundreds of unused files and codes.
§Version 7.5.8
- Added Multi-Themes.
- Added delay for autoreply & webhook.
- Added new theme, the previous theme is still there.
- Added remote themes installation page.
- Fixed socket idle.
- Rebuild previous design.
§Version 7.5.5
- Added generate images using DALL-E AI (Need chatgpt api).
- Added options to edit your env file from settings page.
- Added language hindi file.
- Added user info & device info to api-docs.
- Fixed file manager issue.
- Fixed pagination in message history.
- Fixed disappearing flags for the language.
- Updated Arabic & Indonesian language file.
§Version 7.5.4
- Added page to edit autorply.
- Added button for delete messages history.
- Added multilanguage system (english, indonesia, arabic).
- Added (User Info) for API.
- Added (Device Info) for API.
- Added reset password via email.
- Fixed automatic change https in .env file.
- Fixed port page.
- Fixed generate ssl for nodejs.
- Fixed server.js issue by removing pm2, which was consuming server resources.
- Adjust the design to support Arabic and Persian (right-to-left layout).
- Organized the design of the autoreply page.
§Version 7.5.3
§Version 7.5.0
- Added free ssl generator to run nodejs over ssl with one click (smart).
- Added read for Webhook API.
- Added What's new on the Smart Update page.
- Added typing for bot, webhook and autorply.
- Added app/config.php file to change site name
- Upgraded laravel from 8 to Version 9.52.16.
- Upgraded laravel-filemanager to the latest version with exploits closed.
- Upgraded dependencies to the latest version-compatible version.
- Installed pm2 and included it in the script.
- Installed is-online to check the connection.
- Fixed an issue connecting in nodejs.
- Fixed an issue with unzipping files in Smart Update.
- Fixed an issue scaled images from a link when sending a message with a link.
- Fixed port check issue.
- Fixed read on autorply and bot.
- Fixed Smart Update.
- removed unused vendors to reduce the size.
§Version 7.2.0
- Added New page for the AI bot with all options.
- Added Claude API.
- Added Gemini API.
- Added an option for (read) for bot conversations.
- Fixed The ability to choose if you want to integrate more than one bot and call it by name in the conversation or not.
- Fixed The ability to enable or disable calls for the bot.
- Fixed Smart Update to new version remotely with a single click without needing to download the compressed file.
- Fixed the date issue in (message history).
- Fixed the port page for those using SSL.
§Version 7.0.0
- Added ChatGPT Bot
- Added the 2FA (two-factor authentication) feature.
- Added Rcovery Codes (Login)
- Added VCard message
- Added VCard message API and api-docs
- Added the location message feature.
- Added location message API and api-docs
- Added the feature to create a new user via API.
- Added the (message read) feature, which can be enabled or disabled from the control panel.
- Added 3 Themes (semi-dark | light-theme | dark-theme)
- Added check whatsapp server port
- Fixed Connect Via Code
- Fixed the connection issue.
- Fixed the timeout issue.
- Fixed the logout issue.
- Fixed the list message issue.
- Fixed the poll message issue.
- Fixed template message API (input correct format)
- Fixed the issue with (Waiting for this message. Check your phone).
- Fixed the fetching of non-English group names.
- Fixed the fetching of groups from the phone.
- Fixed the autorply issue.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) →